Introduction to CoastAdapt (3172)
Since October 2014, NCCARF has been working to produce an online information delivery and decision support system for coastal managers. Named CoastAdapt, a beta version was delivered on 1 July 2016 to the Department of the Environment for approval. CoastAdapt should be available for review and consultation from August to November 2016. The final version is to be delivered on 28 February 2017.
CoastAdapt covers every aspect of adaptation to climate change and sea-level rise, from the basic science through to legal considerations, the relevance of jurisdictional differences in Australia, and approaches to evaluating costs and benefits. A ground-breaking aspect of CoastAdapt has been the extent to which potential users have been involved from the beginning in its design and implementation. This has been facilitated by programs of consultation through workshops and an online questionnaire, as well as advisory and governance groups that are representative of the whole range of stakeholders from the three tiers of government as well as peak bodies and business interests. In this session we present the key features of CoastAdapt and encourage attendees to go online to make an evaluation from the perspective of their interest in adaptation.