South Australia's Adaptation Program - next steps — YRD

South Australia's Adaptation Program - next steps (2818)

Lauren Burton 1
  1. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Adelaide, SA, Australia

In 2012, the State Government released its climate change Adaptation Framework, Prospering in a Changing Climate: A Climate Change Adaptation Framework for South Australia. The Framework established processes for building partnerships, incorporating adaptation in all decision-making and actively participating in national and international activities. It also supported the delivery of relevant, high-quality science to inform an adaptive management approach to building resilience and adaptive capacity.

The South Australian approach is unique because it brings together the government, business and industry, environmental and community sectors at a local, regional scale to measure impacts of climate change and identify actions. There are 12 Regional Adaptation Plans to develop with five already completed.

Implementation of Regional Adaptation Plans will create challenges and opportunities for the State. The SA Government is supporting implementation through the continued partnership approach with regional organisations. The partnership with the Local Government Association of South Australia is focussing on overcoming barriers to integrating climate change adaptation into organisational decision making.

The next stage of implementation will be an assessment of all regional adaptation plans into a whole of state strategic approach. The Action Plan will provide a framework for priority adaptation actions by government, mainstreaming adaptation into agency decision making. Areas of focus will include key issues highlighted in regional adaptation planning processes, including water resources management; industry adaptation and economic transition; vulnerable citizens; community and emergency services; and planning, development and infrastructure, including green infrastructure and coasts.