As one of a set of research projects designed to support NCCARF’s Coast Adapt, a team of coastal geomorphologists have been tasked with undertaking a national review of coastal sediment compartments. The project builds on early work conducted by the same team in association with Geoscience Australia that has defined compartment boundaries at two scales, primary and secondary. The purpose of the project is to supply end users, such as local councils, with background information on the dynamic nature of shoreline change as related to the availability of sediment within a compartment. The team has selected secondary scale compartments for analysis. Over 300 compartments will be assessed. Information provided for each compartment within each state and the Northern Territory should guide users as to possible direction of shoreline change out to 2100. The information will highlight matters users should take into consideration with respect to landform type, sediment transport and sediment budget conditions. This will be a useful background where and when more detailed survey and modelling is needed to assess risk. Each compartment will be assessed against a level of sensitivity to shoreline change based on potential changes in its sediment budget over time. This assessment will offer further understanding of the vulnerability of the Australian coast under climate change.