How do we translate research into digestible formats — YRD

How do we translate research into digestible formats (3167)

Sarah Boulter 1
  1. NCCARF, Parklands Drive, QLD, Australia

How do we make a large body of technical adaptation research currently largely locked-up in technical and lengthy documents, accessible to a greater number of decision makers and practitioners? We consulted with stakeholders around Australia to help plan and develop a program of synthesis. They made it clear that we should deliver information that speaks to the diversity of decisions and decision makers. Stakeholders wanted information on impact and response topics (e.g. extreme events, biodiversity, legal issues, and finance) but also help with organisational challenges. Factsheets or short summaries remain useful, but must be underpinned by links to more technical detail. Knowing what information is out there is a challenge. Regardless of format, partnering with stakeholders to both develop and deliver products is essential.