Adapting Australia’s trade and aid policies to climate change — YRD

Adapting Australia’s trade and aid policies to climate change (2826)

Jon Barnett 1
  1. The University of Melbourne, VIC

The impacts of climate change on Australian society will not be just a function of changes in Australia’s climate. We are highly exposed to changes in the countries with which we exchange goods and services and people, and which are important for our security and international reputation.


Many of the impacts of climate change on Australia will flow across our borders. Climate change may alter the competitiveness of Australian exporters, it may create new biosecurity risks, new forms of instability in our region, and new tensions to be managed through our foreign policy. This broader landscape of risks points to potential trade-offs between the Australian Government’s domestic and foreign responsibilities.


This paper will discuss a policy guidance brief on adapting Australia’s trade and aid policies to climate change developed by NCCARF. This brief was produced through a workshop with policy makers from across a range of relevant Australian government departments and agencies. It contains a number of priority areas to better prepare Australia for the challenges and opportunities climate change poses to our trade and aid policies.