Working from the inside out - implementation based research — YRD

Working from the inside out - implementation based research (2973)

Celeste k Young 1
  1. Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Implementation of research into practice and policy is one of the crucial factors for adaptation to occur.  In the past, implementation has been seen by many researchers as the realm of others, or a place where people need to be told what to do. However it has become apparent that the process of implementation starts at the beginning of the research process and requires working from the ‘inside out’. It is uncertain and at times volatile process which requires redefining notions of success. It also requires thinking of research as system of collaborative knowledge making rather than a system that produces knowledge.

Using case studies and previous work undertaken with adaptation practitioners in public and private organistions, this presentation will discuss this process, where it starts and how it works. It will also outline the barriers facing researchers, policy makers and practitioners in this area and the key principals needed to build the bridge between research and practice.